Our Services
Through dedicated care and best practices, the legacies of our patients and community will improve. The contributions of our services and community investments will create a first step to improving the quality of life for the people of our community.
Hearing Evaluation
Hearing evaluations are completed with adults and school age children. Hearing evaluations include several different subtests. The subtests are used in a combination of ways to address the patient’s specific needs and reasonings for seeking an evaluation.
Evaluations for Auditory Processing Disorder
Following the Buffalo Model, a series of subtests are used to assess where auditory processing weaknesses lie and a treatment plan to strengthen those weaknesses can be formulated for each patient’s individual needs.
Treatment of APD
Treatment for APD following the Buffalo Model is largely phonemic training. Low gain amplification can also be used to allow the patient access to more robust speech signals and allow for additional noise control processing. Once training is fully complete, services for APD training will be added
Fitting & Programming of Prescribed Hearing Aids
The devices will be expertly fit by the audiologist based on the hearing evaluation results and needs of the patient. At the fitting appointment the patient will learn how to care for and maintain their devices, how to operate and wear the devices, and realistic expectations will be discussed.
Cleaning & Maintenance of Hearing Aids
Cleaning and Maintenance should be completed by the professional every 4-6 months to obtain the best sound quality and longevity of the devices. At these appointments the aids will be thoroughly cleaned, and any parts will be replaced under warranty as allowed.
Hearing Aid Fitting & Services
Once a hearing loss has been identified treatment is the use of amplification that is expertly programmed by the audiologist. The options of amplification are discussed at length with the patient and/or their loved ones and based on this discussion the patient decides how to move forward. This could be with prescription hearing aids or OTC hearing aids
Follow Up Care of Prescribed Hearing Aids
Prescription hearing aids have a 60-day trial period as required by state law. During this time the audiologist and the patient will work closely together to ensure that the patient is satisfied with the investment in hearing aid technology. There will be, at a minimum, a two week and a one month post fitting follow-up during this trial period. These follow-ups allow the patient to seek clarification on any questions or concerns they may have and also allows acclimation adjustments to be made as needed. The fit of the devices will be verified with either probe mic measures or aided and unaided sound field testing.
Hearing Aid Repair
Hearing aids will come with a manufacturer warranty that varies in length generally based on the technology level purchased. During this time in-office and manufacture repairs can be completed at no additional cost. These repairs can be completed due to damage or on a preventive basis, generally towards the end of the warranty expiration date
Cerumen Managment
It is occasionally necessary that a cerumen impaction needs to be removed before other audiology services can be provided. By providing this service in the clinic the demand placed on other professions, such as primary care or ENT, can be lessened and the patient’s needs can be met more efficiently.

Hearing Protection
Both custom and non-custom hearing protection options will be available for purchase at Legacy Audiology to prevent hearing loss from occurring in the first place.
Hearing Aid Maintenence
Through in-office supplies and an online shop, hearing aid maintenance supplies will be available to the patient for purchase. These supplies include but are not limited to batteries, chargers, wax filters, domes, receivers, earmold tubing, cleaning and maintenance kits, dehumidifiers, device loss prevention cords, etc.
Hearing Aids and Earmolds
A wide catalog of products from various hearing aid and earmold manufacturers for the treatment of hearing loss will be provided. These manufacturers include but are not limited to Starkey, ReSound, Phonak, Oticon, Signia, and Micro.
Assistive Listening Devices
Assistive listening devices can be used along with hearing aids or as a stand-alone device. These items include but are not limited to remote microphones, tv streamers, hearing aid operation remotes, amplified phones, pocket talkers, captioned phones, alerting systems, etc.